Escort’s New Redline 360c Can Sniff Out Speed Traps Better Than Our Favorite Radar Detector – Gear Patrol

We dig the Escort Max 360c, but the Redline sounds even better.

A good radar detector may not be worth its weight in gold, but it’s more than worth the price if you happen to be the type of person who finds themselves exceeding the speed limit with regularity. The Escort Max 360c will run you $650, but if it saves you from a single speeding ticket (and the likely increase in insurance rates that would come with it), that’s well worth the cash. And take it from a regular user: while no radar detector can make up for poor driving, so long as you use it wisely, it’ll let you know about speed traps well before you ever could with just your eyes.
But the march of progress never stops, so it was only a matter of time before the Max 360c’s capabilities were exceeded. Meet the Escort Redline 360c — the newest, most powerful member of the company’s radar detector family, which goes on sale today for $750 on Escort’s website.
The company’s press release covers a lot of technical details that seem designed to appeal to Raytheon engineers, so we’ll distill it down to the basics: a new, more powerful processor and a litany of other upgrades allow it, according to Escort, to detect threats twice as far away as past models. And if you happen to live in one of those municipalities that frowns on radar detectors to the degree that they employ devices that can sniff them out, the Redline 360c uses so-called TotalShield tech to completely mask itself from those sniffers. Plus, like the 360c Max, the Redline 360c comes with GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, all of which enable it to tie into Escort’s constantly-updating crowd-sourced network of speed traps, speed cameras and red light cameras.
Oh, and it also uses a stealthy new design that looks as though a radar detector dreamed of being a B-2 bomber, then decided to dress for the job it wanted. In other words…it looks pretty damn cool.
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