Escort Unveils New Passport Solo S3 OLED Screen Radar Detector – SlashGear

Escort has more radar detectors to keep you from being pulled over if you have a lead foot than you can shake a stick at. The company has unveiled its latest offering called the Passport Solo S3 that is cordless and has an OLED display on the front. The Solo S3 runs off AA batteries, which means that you don’t need to run a power cord across the dash to your power outlet in the car.
That high-resolution OLED screen gives you all the warnings you need in a clear and legible font that you can read from across the car at a glance. The device has a memory for storing your favorite settings and it protects against different types of radar.
The long-range protection offered by the S3 Solo covers instant-on X-band, K-band, superwide Ka-band and uses DSP to help prevent false alarms. The little detector measures in at 1.16″ H x 2.90″ W x 5.25″ L and a power cord is optional. You can order one right now for $349.95.


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